Friday, February 1, 2013

Not Even In My Verse It Will Be Told

I can still remember 
It was first light at first sight 
Sheets and sheets of silks of luminous colour 
Weaving through into my heart: 
It was so breathtaking 
I almost believed I had stopped breathing. 
Changing colours ever so swiftly 
Brushing away the dryness in my soul: 
I was ready to paint my life 
A love story that would last for a lifetime. 

I don't recall 
Observing sunsets in sunrises 
Stripes and stripes of deep sulking colours 
Eating into the weary heart: 
It was so heartbreaking 
I could no longer hear my heart breaking. 
Draining briskly the colours from my skin 
My soul returned to its usual grey: 
My love story may not come true 
In a canvas painted with lies not truth. 

I almost forgot 
It was calm twilight in display 
Rows and rows of radiant stars 
Singing tunefully to my heart: 
It was so heavenly 
I thought I was by now in heaven. 
Through my colourless soul 
It was raining sorrowful blood: 
A love story remained untold 
Not even in my verse it will be told.  

11 April 2008, Friday

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