Sunday, June 24, 2012

It Is One Of Those Nights

It is one of those nights
Beside other stuff
My aged parents came into frame
Lord Buddha
Please keep them strong and safe
This prayer is nothing new
It is as old as my age

How I have grown old
Seeing their hair turning gray too
Their bodies shrink and wrinkle
But they are my parents
And may not be so in my next life
Still I pray
Lord Buddha
Please bestow them with great health

I still submit to a childhood belief
On Chinese New Year eve
I will stay up late
So my parents will live into old age
Lord Buddha
Please answer my prayer

It is one of those nights
I think of my parents and pray
Lord Buddha...
Lord Buddha...
Before I slip into my many dreams

1 March 2008, Saturday

Saturday, June 23, 2012


I'm a living corpse
In broad daylight
A drifting spirit
By night

Future is uncertain
Gloom and dark
Life is hollow
Empty and false

Through The Window

Through the window
Stained by dull soot
I saw two men walking, heads down whispering
They stopped and started kissing
Disgusting? What do you think?

They are God's children
Created by non-other than Him
Neatly selected the ingredients
That make them an inimitable being
For the universe to be astounded
Of his ingenuity He possessed.
His decision! Who is to blame?

Denying their existence
Doesn't make a human inhumane
Forbidding their love for each other
Make a person loves no less
Unquestionably a renouncement of God
Non acceptance of His ingenuity
What do you think?

Through the window
Though stained by dull soot
My vision is flawless.

29 February 2008, Friday

If I Don't Fret

If I don't fret
Does it mean that I don't care?
If i don't pray
Does it make me anti God?
Don't be such a naive soul
Living in this world of lies
For what you don't see, the flowers exist
For what you see, heaven may not be real.

Why should I show that I fret?
Not that they care
They just want to know why flowers wither
Not as to why I fret but as to why weeds grow.

I don't have to tell even if I fret
They will not remember
Instead, they add some silly spice
As they relate it to others.

It is still up to me to find solutions
In God's praises, I will not fret
Blank to the world, a likeness in the mirror.

So, why should I show that I fret?

28 February 2008, Thursday