Friday, February 1, 2013

It Is This Same Soul

It is this same soul: mine for now, 
but not previously, 
and not in the future, 
which has lived in this world since its existence, 
disguised in different forms, genders, 
emotions and intelligence, 
shall have no recollection of any of them at all.  

It is this same soul: wil be unrecognizable, 
which will go on living until it ceases in existence, 
carrying with him all the deeds and sins 
he has brought upon himself in this life, 
and inherited all who came before him, 
and do so after him. 

It is this same soul: belongs to no one, 
which I merely borrow for a limited time, 
in this lifetime, to be myself: 
to be an aritst, a poet, 
to taste what life is all about: 
pain, love, happiness and suffering, 
to explore what is installed for me 
before I pass it on to someone else. 

It is this same soul: the very same soul, 
whoever it belongs to at the end of the journey 
is in my possession, in my control now: 
I am responsible for the inheritor's life, 
believes to be mine; how I want it to be, 
as the person before me 
who was responsible for what I am today, 
which I cannot change but to receive all 
as they come my way.  

2 April 2008, Wednesday

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